- Finns know how to accept what they have. - I
said - They are not trying to go against the weather. They simply learned
how to live with it.
Indeed, it was in Finland that, for the very first time, I saw people riding bikes in the snow, people going out with wet hair at -15ºC not worring to catch a cold,
and people appreciating and even loving the humble variety of locally grown
food. I learned there, that it was never cold outside and that if I was feeling
cold it meant that I was not dressed well enough.
- I felt great in Finland, – I said – but I had to sleep 10 hours every
night. More sleep helped me.
- Yes, winter is time
for hibernation - my student said
- Hibernation! That’s the right word! – I exclaimed- Hibernation!
And as I was saying this,
the complaints about November, made only 5 minutes earlier, started to look
ridiculous. After all November is November, it is the time of year when sky is low and days are short and I cannot
change much.
- I was always going agaist it. - I said - That's why it was so hard. Instead, I could simply try to live with it.
- I was always going agaist it. - I said - That's why it was so hard. Instead, I could simply try to live with it.
So this November, I am
embracing myself being more sleepy, slower and less efficient. This November I
am staying home, painting, sipping my tea and mastering the art of hibernation. After all, it is an art.
Pikkujoulu - Little Christmas Party
(max. 40 persons - please register)
18.30 -19.15 - Barbara Guttman's lecture: The Myth of The Right Brain
19.15 - 23h - Party
20.30 - Pikkujoulu game Pikku Joulu is a Finnish expression, meaning little Christmas. It is a name for parties Finns like to give in the time before Christmas. Beside mulled wine and yummy cookies, this traditional party at ASiB will be spiced up with a game I learned at my first pikkijoulu party in Finland. Please bring some nice food or drink to share with others, 2 or more tiny, wraped gifts (fort the game) and a art-loving friend, too.
To check availability and register plase send an email to artschoolbudapest@gmail.com
Places will be allocated on first come first served bases.
Places will be allocated on first come first served bases.
Nude Sketching and Drawing lesson - Christmas special
(min. 4 - max. 7 persons - please register)
Come to expand your creativity and experience the unique atmosphere at Art School in Budapest. At this lesson, a nude model will be set in shorter and longer poses and you will be making figure sketches and drawings and in a drawing technique of your choice. All materials, tea and light snacks are included.
age: 14 and above
fee: 6000 - 10 000 Ft (depending on your financial abilities and free will)
registrations deadline: Noveber 29th, 10 AM
Come to expand your creativity and experience the unique atmosphere at Art School in Budapest. At this lesson, a nude model will be set in shorter and longer poses and you will be making figure sketches and drawings and in a drawing technique of your choice. All materials, tea and light snacks are included.
age: 14 and above
fee: 6000 - 10 000 Ft (depending on your financial abilities and free will)
registrations deadline: Noveber 29th, 10 AM
Creative Self Expression lesson- Christmas special
(min. 4 - max. 7 persons - please register)
Inspired by the theme of Christmas and closing the calender year, this lesson will encourage you to reach the joy of self-expression while working on a few smaller exercises and one bigger art project, using both usual and unusual art matherials. During these 3,5 hours, I will be facilitating you through a lovely journey of self-connection and creative expression using methods I developed my doctorate research in art education and inspired by the process of Marshall B. Rosenberg’s NVC (Nonviolent Communication). All materials, tea and light snacks are included.
age: 17 and above, regardless of skills and talent
Inspired by the theme of Christmas and closing the calender year, this lesson will encourage you to reach the joy of self-expression while working on a few smaller exercises and one bigger art project, using both usual and unusual art matherials. During these 3,5 hours, I will be facilitating you through a lovely journey of self-connection and creative expression using methods I developed my doctorate research in art education and inspired by the process of Marshall B. Rosenberg’s NVC (Nonviolent Communication). All materials, tea and light snacks are included.
age: 17 and above, regardless of skills and talent
fee: 4500-7000 Ft (depending on your financial abilities and free will)
registrations deadline: Noveber 29th, 10 AM
Studio Painting and Drawing - Christmas special
(min. 4 - max. 7 persons - please register)
If you are a professionally or a non-professionally engaged in arts and would like to learn more about the skills and knowledge of traditional European art, this is the course for you. By learning to draw and/or paint what you see accurately, your sight, sense of color and composition will develop, you may learn how to present depth, mix the exact tone you wish on your pallet and use techniques such as pencil, charcoal, pen and ink, ink and wash, gouache, home-made egg tempera, watercolors, etc. Students of different knowledge, experience and interests are welcome to this course.
If you are a professionally or a non-professionally engaged in arts and would like to learn more about the skills and knowledge of traditional European art, this is the course for you. By learning to draw and/or paint what you see accurately, your sight, sense of color and composition will develop, you may learn how to present depth, mix the exact tone you wish on your pallet and use techniques such as pencil, charcoal, pen and ink, ink and wash, gouache, home-made egg tempera, watercolors, etc. Students of different knowledge, experience and interests are welcome to this course.
fee: 5000-8000 Ft (depending on your financial abilities and free will) tea and light snacks are included.
registrations deadline: December 13th, 10 AM
· Barbara Guttman's work on Lövölde tér
As part of 1 x 1 project of the Associatiion of Hungarian Young Artists, from the end of November 2013 till February 2014 Barbara Guttman's art billboard will be shown on Lövölde tér, district 7. The work displayed is part of Barbara's series titled The Movement of The Inner.
As part of 1 x 1 project of the Associatiion of Hungarian Young Artists, from the end of November 2013 till February 2014 Barbara Guttman's art billboard will be shown on Lövölde tér, district 7. The work displayed is part of Barbara's series titled The Movement of The Inner.
informtion and regitration:
tel: +36 20 467 5051
email: artschoolbudapest@gmail.com
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