March 2013 | Art School in Budapest Art School in Budapest: March 2013

Art school in Budapest art school in English Language with NVC Nonviolent Communication courses

Art school in Budapest  art school in English Language  with NVC Nonviolent Communication courses

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Happy Birthday ASiB - March Newsletter

                                                                                      (scroll down to read the news)
   For many of you, March is the time of  year when you may  finally crawl out of your thick winter coats and have that first sitting-in-the-sun coffee experience. (Hmm, maybe not so soon with the suprise-snow we are having today.) But for me, March is a month to celebrate ASiB's birthday, and this year the school is finally growing out of it's diapers and turning two. 
     Writing this letter and thinking about the past two years fills my heart with joy and gratitude to all of you who have contributed to the school's growth and becoming what it is now.  I am grateful to all of you who helped me with your feedback, knowledge and advice - for instead of giving me fish when I was hungry, you taught me how to fish. I am grateful to all of you who opened up your hearts to receive my knowledge and my passion for art, for you gave me so much love and meaning to my life. You gave me reasons to keep believing that what is worth doing is worth doing even if it is not done perfectly. And I am grateful to all of you who supported me in times I was lonely and down. You trusted me and gave me  the strength to keep believing in my dreams. Thank you! I am celebrating all of you!
     I would like to celebrate one more thing - two sentences from an overheard conversation between two of my students last week. One of them, who has already been learning here for 3 semesters, said "I am learning a certain way of doing things. It does not mean that they are right or wrong."  Hearing this made my heart jumped for joy because I then understood that my art lessons were not only lessons in art, but a way to open people's hearts to learn and create in a way which is free of the idea of right-doing and wrong-doing. I think that I could not get a bigger gift for ASiB's second birthday! 

March 22, Friday  postponed to April 13th, Saturday 
 Big Birthday Party (max. 40 people) 
      ●18 -19.30h -  "Rivers and Tides"- an inspiring documentary film about the famous English environmentalist artist Andy Goldsworthy. (max. 15 people)
    ●  19.30 - 22.30h - Party - please bring some food and/or drinks to share with everyone. 
Please register at as the number of places will be limited.

● April 7 -13, Mon. - Sat.,  14 -17h 
Art Mondays Intensive Workshop  
 theoretical and practical introduction to contemporary visual arts 
Through a series of lectures and your active engagement in open discussions, you will start to deepen your way of understanding and thinking about contemporary art, receive basic skills on how to relate to art works made in the last 50 years and guidance for working on an art project during the week. see more>>>
For adults and teens above 16 ,  applications till April 4th, time: 14 -17 h, group size: 4–8  

●  Weekly and monthy courses 
     at Art School in Budapest
●   Studio Painting and Drawing, Wednesdays, 9.45-12.45 - one place opening in April
●   Art Flow , Tuesdays, 18-20.30h
●   Nude Painting and Drawingone place opening in April, once a month on Saturdays 10 -17h.  Lessons on Apr. 20th and May 25th
●   Arteen, for ages 14-16, once a month on Sundays 14 -17h.  Lessons on Apr. 21st and May 26th

● May 4 - 5,  Sat. - Sun.,  9.30 -17.30 h 
Connecting in Relationships
intensive weekend workshop with Yoram Mosenzon (Israel/Netherlands) a certified trainer of Nonviolent Communication

information and applications:
In this workshop we will touch on themes such as:

  ●  How to be radically honest in a way that brings connection rather than distance.

  ●  How to hear each other’s beautiful heart, even in moments of conflict.

  ●  How to say No without hurting? How to hear No without getting hurt.

  ●  How to deal with anger, hurt and long lasting frustrations, and how to prevent these from accumulating in the relationship.

read more >>>

● NEW Benefits for ASiB students
Health-based Ashtanga Yoga
Yoga for Fitness, Stress Management and Health
instructed by Dr. Diksha Sharma - private tutor 

Private lessons. Studio located on Wesselenyi utca 36  in Szep Kis India. Private home-visits may be arranged upon agreement.  
15% discount for ASiB students.

Contact: Arzu Hajiyeva

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

ASiB Goes to Museum

    Sunday, March 10th at 15 -17.30h 
    Imre Bukta's exhibition titled 
    at Műcsarnok (Kunsthalle) on Heros Squere

   This time we will be trying to help you embrace and understand contemporary paintings and installations trough creative engagement followed by a discussion with Ágnes Mohai (from the educational department of Műcsarnok) and me, Barbara Guttman (from Art School in Budapest). During the 2,5 h long visit, you will be encouraged to create a personal experience of the exhibition and select paintings and installations that speak to you the most. 

   Please register at:

   fee: 1300Ft/ person 
   meeting at 14.45h at the entrance hall of Műcsarnok

    More information about the exhibition